Folktinget piti seminaarin 12.4.2012, jonne pääpuhujaksi oli kutsuttu Euroopan Neuvoston vähemmistökielten asiantuntijakomission puheenjohtaja, saksalainen Dr Stefan Oeter. ... seminarium
Hän puhui englanniksi ja lausui mm. näin
--- As you know, Finland has recently been under the fourth cycle of monitoring --- the whole Committee of Experts, visited Finland from 7 to 10 December 2010 --- Nothing can indeed replace these discussions, face-to face, held in a confidential way, between the speakers and the Committee of Experts on the one hand, and the authorities and the Committee of Experts on the other. --- I think that you have seen that a lot of undertakings had been fulfilled in the last monitoring cycles. --- [Näin siis komitea hankkii tietonsa, face to face paikallisten "asiantuntijoiden" kanssa]
--- the regional or minority languages spoken in a country --- the Kaló language of the Roma people or Romani, Karelian ---, Russian, Sámi (including North, Inari and Skolt Sámi), Swedish (the less widely used national language), Tatar and Yiddish.
--- Let me begin by mentioning that in its examination of the situation in Finland, the Committee of Experts noted a high level of protection of the regional or minority languages, constant efforts by the authorities to improve the situation ---
--- What the Committee of Experts found in common to all regional or minority languages in Finland is that there is still a need to raise awareness of the Finnish-speaking majority population about Finland’s regional or minority languages as an integral part of Finland’s cultural heritage, in particular regarding the Russian and Romani languages whose speakers face discrimination and stigmatisation, but also towards the Sámi.
[Huolta kannetaan venäjän ja romaanien kielestä sekä saamesta - mutta näiden kielten jääminen syrjään pakollisen ruotsin vallitessa ei taas ole ongelma]
--- The situation of the Russian language in education calls as well for a promotion of its study amongst pupils, and the creation of an adequate model of teaching in and/or of the language as a regional or minority language.
--- The teaching of the Yiddish language, which is about to disappear in Finland, should also be fostered, so that the younger generations are made aware of it and that the intergenerational transmission is ensured.
--- Concerning the Swedish language, representatives of the speakers expressed their concern as to the level of knowledge of the language amongst youngsters, especially since the Swedish language test is not compulsory anymore for the matriculation examination. On this point, the Committee of Experts specifically requested the authorities to report in the next monitoring cycle on what steps have been taken in order to reverse the negative trend in learning and teaching Swedish. Teaching material equivalent to that published in Finnish is not always available in Swedish and this situation should be dealt with. [Tässä kerrataan ruotsinpuhujien edustajien ilmituomaa huolta nuorten ruotsin osaamisesta pakollisen yo-kokeen poistuttua. Tätä siis täytyy nyt seurata, jotta edustajien ilmaisema "negatiivinen trendi" saadaan käännettyä. Ihan merkityksetöntä tekstiä, jos tavoitteena on lasten laaja, yksilöllisiä eroja ja perheiden monikulttuurisuutta huomioiva kieltenopetus. Ilmeisesti suomenkielisten näkökulmaa ei kukaan saa sanottua ääneen. Jostain syystä tässä samalla valitellaan, ettei suomeksi ilmestyineitä oppimateriaaleja ole saatavissa ruotsiksi, lienee mahdottomuus sillä suomenkielinen tuotanto on koko väestölle eikä sitä voi kokonaisuudessaan kääntää, toisaalta Ruotsista voidaan hankkia myös oppimateriaaleja]
--- Concerning the Sámi language, the Committee of Experts noted that there is still a lack of a structured policy in the field of education. More teachers, more teaching material and a common regional curriculum are needed. This is particularly true for Inari Sámi and Skolt Sámi. One of the keys to address the problem could be to develop web-based material and distance-teaching. This could be beneficial as well to the many Sámi children living outside the Sámi Homeland. The language
nests, which have proven to be very useful in the transmission of the language to the younger generations, should be financed on a long-term basis. The language nests have also proven to be useful for the Romani and the Karelian languages. Concerning the media: here, we can say that all the regional or minority languages need a better visibility in the media. This is however a common trend that can be observed in many European countries, not only Finland.
More specifically:
- As regards the Sámi languages, the Committee of Experts noted with pleasure the existence of a weekly programme targeted at children. The Sámi children themselves expressed the wish to receive more services in their language, be it in the radio, TV or Internet. It has also been noted that stereotypes concerning Sámi continue to be used by some media.
- There are no TV broadcasts in Romani nor in Russian; In the field of social and health care, the more stringent issue seems to be the question of the emergency calls centers and the availability of Swedish or Sámi-speaking staff. But the Committee of Experts also considered that, in general, more efforts are still needed in this field in order to provide adequate services in Swedish and Sámi:
- The availability of health-care services in Swedish varies for example greatly between one municipality to another, especially for child welfare, elderly care services, mental health services and on-duty services. But this is explained in quite some detail in the evaluation report and I will not repeat it here.
- For the Sámi language, the Committee especially stressed the need to develop social welfare and health care services for small children and elderly people.
As regards the judicial field, the Swedish language is apparently used in practice, but there are still things that need to be improved, such as the lack of qualified Swedish-speaking staff, which hampers the conduct of proceedings in Swedish.
Finally, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, which represents the 47 member states, recommended on 14 March that the Finnish authorities:
1. further strengthen education in Sámi, notably through the development of a structured policy and a long-term financing scheme;
2. take urgent measures to protect and promote Inari and Skolt Sámi, which are particularly endangered languages, in particular by means of the provision of language nests on a permanent basis;
3. take further measures to ensure the accessibility of social and health care in Swedish and Sámi;
4. develop and implement innovative strategies for the training of Romani teachers, extend the production of teaching materials in Romani and increase the provision of teaching of Romani;
5. take measures to increase awareness and tolerance vis-à-vis the regional or minority languages of Finland, both in the general curriculum at all stages of education and in the media.
A closer look to the case of Finland thus ends up in a mixed slate of achievements and deficiencies, like it usually does in most states of Europe. Some arrangements are exemplary, constitute ´best practice´ for the rest of Europe; in other areas, the situation still shows considerable deficiencies – nothing has moved, the decay of seriously endangered small languages continues, things even have become worse, as it is the case with the general knowledge of Swedish among younger generations.
There is still a lot to do – and we should accept this as a positive challenge, and not complain about inertia and ignorance. The promotion of linguistic pluralism is a task that is becoming ever more important.
I thank you for your attention.
Suoraan sanoen todella liturgista tekstiä. En ymmärrä, miten kaikille pakollinen ruotsi saadaan kuulostamaan hädänalaiselta tässä saamen kielten, romanikielen, karjalan ja jiddishin rinnalla.
Suurin osa ruotsin kielen maininnoista perustuu suomenkielisten tarpeiden täydelliseen ohittamiseen ja myös muiden vähemmistökielten mitätöimiseen ruotsin rinnalla.
Tässä puheessa ei ollut kohtaa, jota taas HBL hehkutteli.
– Fientlighet föds av omedvetenhet, säger dr. Stefan Oeter, som efterlyser mer utbildning i skolorna om språkminoriteternas historia och kultur. För svenskans del ser han bristen på språkkunskaper på myndighetsnivå och det ökande ointresset för att lära sig språket överlag som de stora problemen.
– Eleverna har väldigt få lektioner i minoritetsspråkens historia och kultur trots att svenskan och samiskan funnits här lika länge som finskan, säger Oeter. ... ng-finland
Siis vihamielisyys syntyy tietämättömyydestä, sanoo Oeter ja peräänkuuluttaa lisää opetusta kouluihin vähemmistökielten historiassa ja kulttuurissa. Ruotsin osalta hän näkee virkamiestason puutteellisen kielitaidon ja kasvavan kiinnostumattomuuden kielen oppimiseen suurina ongelmina. Oppilailla on todella vähän tunteja vähemmistökielten historiassa ja kulttuurissa vaikka ruotsi ja saamen kielet ovat olleet täällä yhtä kauan kuin suomi, sanoo Oeter.
Kuka on kertonut Oeterille, että ruotsi on ollut täällä yhtä kauan kuin suomi - sehän on ollut täällä ainakin tuhat vuotta vähemmän aikaa?
Kuka on jättänyt kertomatta Oeterille, ettei suomenkielisillä oikeastaan ole paljonkaan omankielistä historiaa, sillä koko Ruotsin vallan aika on ruotsinkielisen yläluokan historiaa?
Onko Oeterilla mitään mahdollisuutta tietää, minkälainen kielitilanne todellisuudessa on?
Folktingetin seminaari blaa blaa
Re: Folktingetin seminaari blaa blaa
Painotan vielä yhtä kohtaa edellisessä viestissä. Siis Euroopan Neuvoston edustaja sanoi:
"Concerning the Swedish language, representatives of the speakers expressed their concern as to the level of knowledge of the language amongst youngsters, especially since the Swedish language test is not compulsory anymore for the matriculation examination."
Siis todetaan, että ruotsin puhujien edustajat ovat ilmaisseet huolensa nuorten ruotsin osaamisen tasosta nyt kun ruotsi ei ole enää pakollinen yo-kirjoituksissa.
Kaikki, mitä EN sanoo, tulee sen haastattelemien vähemmistökielen edustajien kommenteista.
"Concerning the Swedish language, representatives of the speakers expressed their concern as to the level of knowledge of the language amongst youngsters, especially since the Swedish language test is not compulsory anymore for the matriculation examination."
Siis todetaan, että ruotsin puhujien edustajat ovat ilmaisseet huolensa nuorten ruotsin osaamisen tasosta nyt kun ruotsi ei ole enää pakollinen yo-kirjoituksissa.
Kaikki, mitä EN sanoo, tulee sen haastattelemien vähemmistökielen edustajien kommenteista.